Saturday, April 21, 2007

Saturday Special

Are you ready for this? It's by The Revs, and I want to extend a special thanks to one of my viewers for introducing me to the band... they rock! Ireland should be proud! If you like, say, Oasis, or anything else Beatlesque, for that matter, you'll LOVE these guys. Or if you don't like Oasis or anything Beatlesque, you'll like them anyway! I found another one of their videos, too, but "Broken" is all you get for now; you'll have to come back for the rest!

Bummed that you can't have video on demand when you want it? Well you can! Check out the step by step instructions for downloading your top vids here


aL said...

It is "Wallace and Gromit," not "Walter." Oh and that (in case you have no idea what I am talking about) is in reference to the comment you left on Stereogum about TPC.


Rikki F. said...

Thank you! My bad. Goes to show how much I think of those two anyway, and I'm usually the one who remembers the movie stuff. By the way, I looked at your profile... there probably aren't too many of your interests covered on my blog, but what do you think of it, anyway? I'm trying to get ideas of what people like, and I'd like to hear your opinion. Thanks for stopping by!